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A Critical Apparatus for Acts 10:32–12:9, 15:29–17:10 |
Papyrus 127 (P.Oxy. 4968), containing portions of the Acts of the Apostles in Greek, was edited by D.C. Parker and S.R. Pickering and published in 2009 in vol. 74 of The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, pp. 1-45. A preliminary excerpt from the critical apparatus of the Editio Critica Maior of Acts was prepared at the Münster Institut für Neutestamentliche Textforschung, comprising those parts of the text of Acts which are extant in P127:
The preliminary apparatus is a companion publication to the essay by G. Gäbel, “The Text of P127 (P.Oxy. 4968) and its Relationship with the Text of Codex Bezae,” published in Novum Testamentum 53, 2011, 107-152. The base text (A) is Nestle-Aland, 27th edition. The editio princeps by Parker and Pickering was used for the collation of P127. This is a negative apparatus, i.e., it only cites manuscript evidence for variants from the base text. Manuscripts supporting the A-text are not cited except where the manuscript is a supplement or where the reading is attested in a correction or in an original reading that was later corrected or where there is a scribal error in the manuscript. A list of witnesses chosen for the ECM of Acts is supplied here. Thus the manuscripts supporting the base text can always be determined. Please note, however, that manuscripts may not be cited at a given passage due to a lacuna. Please consult the list of lacunae to make sure whether a certain manuscript is extant or not at a given passage. The apparatus follows the basic layout of the Editio Critica Maior, i.e., every word has its own word address, which is separated from chapter and verse numbers by a slash. Even address numbers refer to words, uneven address numbers refer to blank spaces between words. Variants with uneven word addresses are additions. Lacunose text is restored where this can be done with a high degree of probability. Otherwise, square brackets have been retained, or the siglum V (= ut videtur: apparently) is added to the manuscript number. Lacunae comprising one or more complete words are mentioned in the list of lacunae, but not normally in the apparatus. Singular readings in P127 are rendered diplomatically. Otherwise the text has been regularized. The following sigla and abbreviations are used:
Transcriptions of many manuscripts collated for this apparatus may be found at http://nttranscripts.uni-muenster.de/AnaServer?NTtranscripts+0+start.anv Images of many manuscripts collated for this apparatus may be found at http://ntvmr.uni-muenster.de/ |